Instant Pot Asparagus
We love asparagus many ways, but this instant pot asparagus is a really quick and easy way to steam asparagus.
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
These creamy chicken enchiladas freeze well. I usually put them in two 8x8 pans so that I can bake one and freeze one. You can't go wrong with enchiladas, plus you can adjust things to your liking.
In Honor of Grandma
My Grandma was a pretty awesome lady and a wonderful cook. I am not sure she enjoyed cooking like I do. I think she just cooked out of necessity, because she had a husband and 10 kids to feed. In…
Instant Pot Chicken Spaghetti
This instant pot chicken spaghetti is fabulous. My kids love it and all three usually ask for second helpings. It is seriously easy and delicious. My family loves pasta, who doesn't? This recipe will forever change how I make pasta…
Instant Pot Ribs
My husband loves ribs. I used to make them in the oven, which was a lot more work and took forever. This instant pot ribs recipe is easy and delicious. It may sound weird to blend up peaches for the…
Banana Pancakes
These banana pancakes are a huge hit in our house. They taste so good. This makes a huge batch so I usually end up freezing about half of them. (See the recipe notes below for how to freeze). That way,…
Eggs on Avocado Toast
These eggs on avocado toast are a quick and healthy breakfast. They go great with a side of my perfectly cooked bacon. Also, I love to use either sliced french bread or my English muffin bread for the toast.
Motherhood is Extraordinary
You are doing great. You are so important. No one else can do your job quite like you do. Motherhood is hard, but it is also extraordinary.
Tips for Letting Kids Help in the Kitchen
We need to teach our kids the skills that they will need once they get into the real world. If I do everything for them they are going to go off to college not knowing how to do their own…
Creamy Taco Soup
I use my taco seasoning recipe in this soup. I am telling you, you really need to make a huge batch of taco seasoning. It keeps, pretty much, forever. This creamy taco soup is perfect garnish with some broken up…