My Top 12 Kitchen Products for People with Kids

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Here is a list of my top 12 kitchen products for people with kids. Some of these products are incredibly practical and some are just fun. I have to say the bib and the popsicle molds are my top two, but I love them all. You can also check out My 20 Favorite Kitchen Tools and Gadgets.
1. Baby Bjorn Bib
This bib has been used with all of my kids. When my oldest was born, a coworker gave this bib to me as a gift. It is the best. I like it because it prevents a mess by catching almost all the food my kid drops. My 2 year old is probably old enough to not need a bib, but I still have her use it. I am not a fan of messes. Ha! My dad jokes that they should make ones like this for adults like him so he doesn’t spill on himself and so he doesn’t waste food if he drops it. I have tried buying the off brand bucket bibs similar to this one and they are just not as good. They don’t last as long and they don’t hold their shape like this one does. We have had one of our baby bjorn bibs for 7 years now and it still almost like new.
2. Popsicle Molds
My kids love popsicles. These molds are awesome. The popsicles come out of the molds super easy and the kids love the fun shapes. We also have the rocket popsicle molds, which are also great. Making your own popsicles is so simple. It saves you money, plus then you know all of the ingredients that go into your popsicles.. My kids beg me to make popsicles, especially in the summer.
3. Fresh Food Feeder
We loved this mesh fresh food feeder when the kids were babies and just starting to eat real food. I could let them try new flavors without worry about them choking. (I may have been a little neurotic about the thought of my kid choking when they were just learning to eat. Okay, I am still a little neurotic about my kids choking. Hopefully someday I can get over that). We usually put fruit in this fresh food feeder. They are also great for when baby is teething. Just put some frozen fruit, ice cubes or frozen breast milk inside and it is an instant pain reliever.
4. Corn On The Cob Holders
We call these corn handles in our house. They are one of the best inventions ever. We had these as kids and used them all the time. My mom loves sweet corn so we ate sweet corn a lot. My kids love sweet corn, so we use ours a lot too. Well, I don’t use them, my husband and kids do. I hate the feeling of corn stuck in my teeth, so I use my corn stripper to take my corn off the cob. I am really not high maintenance. There are just two physical sensations I can’t stand; corn stuck in my teeth and wet socks. Oh, how I hate wet socks.
5. Straws
I feel like every kid loves to drink out of a straw. The crazy straws are always a favorite, but quite honestly, those things are hard to get clean. You know there has to be some sort of bacteria that builds up inside them. We found these straws work great, are easy to clean and have fun colors and patterns that the kids like.
6. Sippy Cups
These are, by far, our favorite sippy cups. I have tried so many different kinds of sippy cups and I like these the best. They don’t leak and they last forever, plus they are dishwasher safe. (Seriously, if something doesn’t say dishwasher safe, I probably won’t buy it). You can get replacement valves on amazon, because after a couple of years it’s probably good to replace the valves.
7. Fruit Snack Making Kit
Fruit snacks are so easy to make. Here is my Homemade Berry Fruit Snack recipe. My kids like to help make them. They love these fruit snacks so much that I use them as bribery. I have never seen my kids move so fast than when I say, “I’ll give you 5 fruit snacks if you go clean your room and make your bed.” This fruit snack making kit is awesome to have and can be used to make other things like small chocolates or fun shaped ice cubes.
8. Cookie Cutters
My husband loves cut out cookies. In my opinion, they aren’t worth all that work. He likes them and the kids love to help make and decorate them, so I end up making them anyways. These cookie cutters are not just for cookies though. My kids always ask to use the cookie cutters with their play dough. These are my favorite cookie cutters. The silicone comfort grip is awesome, especially for the kids. No more hurting their hands when pressing down the cookie cutter.
9. Children’s Plates
These plates are great. They are microwave and dishwasher safe. They are the perfect size for kids. Our kids like them, although, there is always the inevitable fit about not wanting the color they were given. Not sure how one day my kid can love green and only want a green plate and the next day throws a fit because I gave him a green plate.
10. Munchkin Baby Spoons
These are perfect for baby. We liked these spoons the best when our kids just started eating baby food. They are dishwasher safe and have stood up to a lot of abuse.
11. Small Plastic Disposable Containers with Lids
So, these are actually jello shot containers. That is not what I am recommending you use them for, at least not for your kids. These are absolutely perfect containers for veggie dip to send in your kid’s school lunch. My kids won’t eat fresh veggies without dip, so I found these containers are the best way to send dip to school without it getting all over everything. They are great for peanut butter too, or any dip, really.
12. Kids disposable gloves
My kids like to help in the kitchen and most of the time it’s okay for them to get messy. (I am cringing as I am typing that. Have I mentioned before that I don’t like messes?). We use these disposable gloves for when we are dying Easter eggs, or dying anything for that matter. They are also great for some of the science experiments we have done. Check out these experiments. Some we have tried and some we need to test out this summer. Also, these gloves come in handy when my kids actually want to help me clean the bathroom. Yes, I let my older two kids clean with Clorox wipes, but only if they wear these gloves.