Freezer Meal Planning Obsession Turned Blog

Never in a millions years did I think I would be creating my own blog. I am a wife, a mother of 3 kids and a psychiatric nurse. Blogger was never even on my radar, but here I am.
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A little bit about me
I have been a psychiatric nurse for 12 years and absolutely love it. God put me in that job for a reason. I get to have meaningful conversations with people every day at work and I love it. Most people would describe me as a talker, much to my husband’s annoyance sometimes. My job has taught me to be a good listener too. I get to support people in their darkest times and this gives me great joy and purpose. I don’t think my patients truly realize the impact they have on my life.
My job has also made me appreciate my life more. Perspective is everything. I see people who have gone through far more than seems fair. It makes me so grateful for the life that I have. My husband loves when I work. Aside from the obvious benefit of getting paid; I come home with a more grateful attitude towards him.
Why I started a blog
The reason I am starting this blog is to help make other people’s lives a little easier with meal planning ideas, while also telling a little about my life. It is a crazy life for sure. Some days, when the toddler is screaming, the 4 year old and 6 year old are arguing over who had the toy first, and my husband asks me when supper will be ready, it feels like I am trying to herd a bunch of blind cats, uphill, in three feet of snow, with a toddler on my back.
Let’s face it, everyone is extremely busy these days. Too busy in my opinion, but that is a discussion for another day. It feels like such a huge task to figure out what to make for supper. I am a little bit obsessed with freezer meal planning. I plan out my entire month of meals ahead of time and make my grocery lists for each week a few days before the month starts.
You can freezer meal plan
You might be thinking, “I could never be that organized” or “I don’t have time to figure that out.” I thought the same exact thing. After planning my meals for the last 6 months, I realized it takes a little extra effort before each month starts, but it is much less effort each day at suppertime. It also is less work the following month when you already have 6 to 8 meals in the freezer that are ready to go.
Another fabulous reason to freezer meal plan is if your spouse isn’t the best in the kitchen. I love my husband, but if it were up to him, my kids would eat frozen pizza, macaroni and cheese or corn dogs for every meal. He is good at making scrambled eggs and eggs on toast, which is pretty healthy. I really want my kids to learn to eat healthy at a young age and I don’t want them eating food that has tons of preservatives.
On the evenings that I am at work, I have the meal prepared and ready to go for my husband. It is either a crock pot meal or an already prepared casserole freezer meal that he just has to put in the oven. He is very grateful for freezer meal planning, although I think he gets irritated with how obsessed I am. I am just thankful that the kids are getting something healthy and home cooked when I can not be there to feed them.
Mom life is hard but meal planning makes it a little bit easier
Mom life can be hard, especially when it is 5:00pm and you have no clue what you are going to make for supper. I felt such a desire to help other people plan their meals in order to make their lives a little easier, and so this blog was born.
Kim Menning
Kala Bush is my daughter and has told me about you and your awesome meal planning!! Something I could use😊
Your daughter is an awesome teacher and person. You raised her well. Once you start freezer meal planning you will never go back.
Dawn Gordon
I love your candid thoughts and real-life moments of a working mom blog! This is a great idea and helps keep us all eating well and enjoying family!
Thank you!
Good morning! I am so excited to start meal planning with the family. What are fun examples of meals your kids help with?
Most of the time, it will be me, but I’d love to include them in prepping and cooking when they can
The kids like to help with making our pizza dough recipe, as well as helping put the pizzas together. This usually ends up with them just wanting to play with the pizza dough and me making the pizza. I usually give them each a little piece of dough to play with. They also like to help mix ingredients when we are baking. I don’t let them use sharp knives quite yet, but maybe in the next couple of years they will be able to help chop ingredients.
Thanks!! Greg likes making pizza with the kids too. We are going to start making our own dough